Lethbridge & District Branch
Alberta Genealogical Society

Alberta Local History Books

These books are held in the Lethbridge Branch AGS Library and are available for your research and review.


Acme Acme Memories
Airdrie and Surrounding Rockyview District One Day's Journey,  pub. 1963
Alberta The Pioneer Years by Harold Fryer, pub. 1978
Alix-Clive Gleanings After Pioneers and Progress,  pub. 1981
Amisk Buffalo Park to Neutral Hills: The Lantern Years, pub. 1967
Antler Hill, Big Bend, Hola, Niobe, Pine Hill, Ridgewood, Tindastoll, Westholm Sod Shacks and Wagon Tracks, pub. 1987
Ardley, Delburne, Lousana Districts Through the Years,  Vol I,  pub. 2012, and Vol II,  pub. 2015
Arrowwood (Mistsa-Katpiskoo) Story In the Shadow of the Buffalo Hills, pub. 1984
Arrowwood, Shouldice, Mossleigh & Farrow Furrows of Time , 1883-1982. pub. 1982
Barby, Bullshead Butte, Glen Banner Piegan Country, (South of Seven Persons/Red Rock) pub. 1966
Barnwell & Cranford Our People in a Land of Green and Gold: Barnwell & Cranford, pub.1985
Barons and District: Wheat Heart Of The West, pub. 1972, and Update 2005
Bassano Best in the West by a Damsite., 1900 - 1940. pub. 1974
Bassano Best in the West by a Damsite,  pub. 2005 2 volume set
Beaverlodge Beaverlodge to the Rockies, pub. 1974
Beazer Bridging the Years 1890 - 1988, pub. 1988
Beiseker Beisekers Golden Heritage, pub. 1977
Beynon, Rosebud, Redland 1883-1983 Akokiniskway "By the River of Many Roses", pub. 1983
Bezanson Smokey River to Grande Prairie, pub 1978
Blackie Fence Lines and Furrows, pub 1969
Blindloss, Cavendish and Youngstown Dreams, Dust and Depression, pub 1985
Bow Island, 1900-1920 Silver Sage, pub. 1972
Bow Island and Area Sagebrush to Pivots, pub. 2004
Bowell to Bowmanton Wagon Trails and Pioneer Tales - Medicine Hat Region, pub. 1993
Brooks The Beautiful (Brooks, between the Red Deer and the Bow), pub.1975
Bull Pound, Earlton, Eden, Frasherton, Golden Hill, Lake Rose, Lone Pine, Normandale, Olive, Red Rose Lone Butte North, pub. 1974
Burdett Prairie Trails A History of Burdett & Area, pub. 1981
Burdett From Prairie Trails to Pivot Tracks,   pub. 2005
Calgary West Hillhurst to Grand Trunk, Harvest of Memories, pub. 1987
Calgary West Chaps And Chinooks : A History West Of Calgary. Vol. 1 & 2, pub. 1976
Camrose County Harvest of Memories
Canmore The Story of An Era, pub. 1975
Carbon Our History Our Heritage, pub. 1986
Cardston & Area Chief Mountain Country: A History of Cardston & Area - Vol. I & II, pub. 1978 & 1987
Cardston & District Chief Mountain  - Volume III, pub. 2005
Cardston 1887 - 1962 Diamond Jubilee, pub. 1962
Carmangay and district: Bridging the years,  1 & II, pub. 1968 & 2010
Caroline, Pineview, Ricnics, Shilo, South Forks, etc Caroline: In the Shade of the Mountains
Carseland & Cheadle Carseland & Cheadle Chronicles, Trails to the Bow, pub. 1971
Carstairs Beyond Our Prairie Trails,  2 Volume set,  pub. 1995
Carstairs Beyond Our Prairie Trails, Vol. 3, pub. 2018
Carstairs and Area My Neighbours and Yours, pub. 1982
Carstairs and District Prairie Trails, pub. 1967
Carvel area, Parkland County Hills of Hope, pub. 1976
Castor Chatter Chips from Beaver Dam Creek, pub. 1974
Cayley & Surrounding Areas Under the Chinook Arch, (Includes Vol. 1& 2) pub. 2007
Champion Champion and District, pub. 1999
Champion Champion and District School Reunion 1906-1961, pub. 1961
Champion Coal: Champion's Black Gold, pub. 2009
Chestermere Saddles, Sleighs And Sadiron, pub. 1971
Claresholm & area Echoes Of Willow Creek, pub. 1965
Claresholm Where The Wheatlands Meet The Range, pub. 1974, and Vol 2, pub 2010
Cleverville & Champion 1905 to 1970: A History of Champion & area, pub. 1972
Cluny Memories of Cluny 1865-1981, pub. 1981
Coaldale Gem Of The West - 1900-1983, pub. 1983
Coalhurst And District Our Treasured Heritage + name index, pub. 1984
Cochrane and area Big Hill country, pub. 1977
Cochrane More Big Hill Country, Cochrane and Area, 1945 - 1980, pub. 2009
Comrey, Catchem, Hooper-Pendland, Onefour, Wild Horse The Forgotten Corner, pub. 1981
Conquerville A Growing Community, pub. 1965
Consort The Sunny Side of The Neutrals - Consort and Districts, pub. 1983
Cornation - Throne - Federal - Fleet Districts In the Beginning, A History of Cornation, Throne, Federal and Fleet Districts, pub. 1979
Coutts The History of the Border Country of Coutts (includes the old book 1890-1965 and updated to 2000), pub. 2000
Coyote Flats Historical Review 1905-1965 [Compiled By The Coyote Flats Historical Society]. (Vol. 1 & 2), pub. 1965 & 1976
Crocus and Meadowlark Country Recollections of Childhood in Southern Alberta, pub. 1963
Crossfield & District Families, Friends, Neighbours, Community 2 volumes, pub. 2012
Crossfield and District: Prairie Sod And Goldenrod, pub. 1977
Crowsnest and Its People History of Crowsnest Pass, pub. 1979
Crowsnest and Its People Millennium Edition, pub. 2000
Cypress Hills Cypress Hills Country, pub. 1991
Czar Echoes Along the Ribstones, pub. 1977
Dalemead, Indus, Shepard Tales from Two Townships, pub. 1967
Del Bonita And Surrounding Districts Heritage Of The High Country, pub. 1981
Delia - Craigmyle Delia - Craigmyle Saga, pub. 1970
Deville & North Cooking Lake Areas Land Among the Lakes, pub. 1983
DeWinton Sodbusting to Subdivision, pub. 1978
Diamond City & Commerce History Of Diamond City And Commerce, pub. 1996
Didsbury A Story of a Community, pub. 1987
Didsbury Bucking Poles and Butter Churns
Didsbury and District Images 1880 - 1980
Dixonville Ten Dollars and a Dream, pub. 1977
Dog Pound 1880-1920 / Compiled By Margaret Cameron And Pearl R. Stone, pub. 1971
Donnelly-Falher By The Peavine...In The Smoky Of The Peace, pub. 1980
Dorothy Grass Roots
Drumheller Hills of Home, pub. 1975
Drumheller Valley The Valley of the Dinosaurs Its Families & Coal Mines, pub.  1988
Duchess and District Duchess and District Memories, pub. 1982
Dunmore Plains, Trains and Wagon Wheels, pub. 1994
Eagle Valley, Sundre East and Sangro Wagon Trails Plowed Under, pub 1977
East Coulee Valley of the Dinosaurs,  It's Families and Coal Mines, pub. 1988
Eastern Irrigation District Faith and Flowing Water: History of the Catholic People in the Eastern Irrigation District &Surrounding Area, pub. 1982
Edgerton & District: Winds of Change, pub. 1975
Edson Edson 75 Years, A History of the Town, pub. 1986
Empress Echoes of Empress Through 75 Years 1914-1989, pub. 1989
Elnora, Pine Lake & Huxley Buried Treasures: The History of Elnora, Pine-Lake and Huxley, pub. 1972
Entwistle, Evansburg & Surrounding District Foley Trail,  Vol I & II, pub. 1984
Etzikom Prairie & People, 1910-1990, pub. 1990
Fawcett and Surrounding Districts Hardships and Happiness, pub. 1981
Foremost & District Shortgrass Country, Centennial Edition,  pub. 2013
Foremost and District Long Shadows: A History of Shortgrass Country, pub 1974
Foremost And Nemiskam Shortgrass Country, pub. 1974
Fort Macleod Our Colourful Past : A history of the town of Fort Macleod, from 1874 To 1924, pub. 1977
Fort Macleod Our Colourful Past II : A history of the town of Fort Macleod and district, 1925 to 1989, pub. 1990
Fort MacLeod These The Are - First Methodist Church
Gadsby and Area From the Bigknife to the Battle,  pub. 1979
Galahad and District Golden Echoes, pub 1980
Gem Dreams and Ditchbank,  pub. 1989
Gem Passages: Ditchbanks to Pipelines, pub. 2000
Gleichen Gleichen Call, pub. 1980
Glenwood, Hartley & Standoff 100 Years Between The Rivers, pub. 1984
Grande Cache The People, pub. 1999
Grande Prairie Pioneers of the Peace, pub. 1976
Grande Prairie and District Along the Wapiti, pub. 1981
Granum Golden Kernels of Granum - Early Settlers, pub. 1960
Granum Leavings By Trail, Granum By Rail, pub. 1977
Grassy Lake, Purple Springs Faded Trails, pub. 1981
Halkirk Halkiek Home Fires and Area, pub. 1985
Hand Hills to the Buffalo Hills The Prairie Hub, From the Hand Hills to the Buffalo Hills, pub. 1967
Hanna Hanna's 100th Birthday History Book, Hanna, Alberta, pub. 2012
Hays From Sod to Silver,   1952-1977, pub. 1977
Heisler Wagon Trails in the Sod, A History of the HeislerArea, pub.1982
High River Leaves from the Medicine Tree, pub. 1960
High River Sunshine Tales: History of the area south, east & west of High River. Pub. 1998
Hilda Welcome to Hilda, Hilda's Heritage 3rd Edition, pub. 2000
Hilda 60 Years of Hilda's Heritage, Part II, pub. 1983
Hilda Hilda's Golden Heritage, pub. 1974
Hillspring Hillspring and It's People, pub. 1975
Hinton History of Hinton, Gateway to the Rockies, pub. 1980
Hussar Hussar Heritage, pub. 1994
Hyssop, Eight Mile Lake, and Crystal Lake, Lethbridge County A History of Sunnyside Area, pub. 1988
Iddesleigh, Jenner, Atleee, Tide Lake, Bingville Prairie Crucible, 1891-1991, pub. 1991
Irma and District Down Memory Lane, A History of Irma and District, Vol I and II
Kathryn, Irricana and Keoma K.I.K. Country,  pub 1974
Kirriemuir, Altario And Compeer Pioneer Heritage of Kirriemuir, Altario And Compeer,Wheatsheaf Women's Inst, pub. 1975
Lacombe Lacombe, The First Century, pub 1982
Lac Ste. Anne Spirit and Trails of Lac Ste. Anne, pub. 1983
Lafond And Surrounding Area Dreams Become Realities, pub. 1981
Lake McGregor and Area Snake Valley I : A History of Lake McGregor and area, pub. 1973
Lake McGregor and Area Snake Valley II : A History of Lake McGregor and area
Lee Creek Lee's Creek 1887 - David L. Innes & H. Dale Lowry, pub. 2012
Leslieville & Districts From Hoofprints to Highways 1905-1980:  Vol. I, and Vol. 2, pub. 1980
Lethbridge - Nishiki Nikkei Tapestry - A History of Southern Alberta Japanese Canadians, pub. 2001
Lethbridge Lethbridge Catholic Separate School District No. 9. The first 100 years 1889-1989, pub. 1989
Lethbridge Lethbridge Herald and Funeral Home Obituaries: 1970-1, 1973-4, 1977-8, 1979-80, 1981-82, 1983-4 & 1988-89
Lethbridge A Battalion of Our Own, 113th Overseas Battalion CEF, The Lethbridge Highlanders, pub. 2014
Lethbridge In His Service, St. Augustine's Lethbridge 1886-1976, pub. 1976
Lethbridge McLean School District #2900 1913-1946 - Area just east of Lethbridge, pub. 1987
Lethbridge Pioneer Pemmican Club Roundup, 1885-1985 / Edited By A. P. Baines, pub. 1985
Lomond and District History 1st & 2nd Editions 1916-1986, pub. 1986
Lone Pine Creek and District: Bucking Poles and Butter Churns, pub. 1972
Longview and Surrounding area Tales and Trails, pub. 1974
Lyalta-Ardenode-Dalroy Districts Along the Fireguard Trail, pub. 1979
Magrath And District Irrigation Builders, Vol. 1 & 2, pub. 1974 & 1982
Makepeace Echoes from the past, pub. 1991
Maleb Piegan Country
Manyberries Chinook A History of Communities of Glassford, Manyberries, Minda, New Home, Orion, Ranchville, pub. 1985
Marwayne Echoes of Marwayne Area, pub 1979
Mayerthorpe Three Trails Home, A History of Mayerthorpe and District, pub. 1980
Medicine Hat Saamis, the Medicine Hat, by Senator F. W. Gershaw, pub. 1967
Medicine Hat Country Early History of the Medicine Hat Country by J. W. Morrow, pub. 1974
Milk River And District Under Eight Flags, Vol. 1 & 2, pub. 1989
Millarville, Kew, Priddis & Bragg Creek Our Foothills, pub. 1975
Millarville Foothill Echoes. Pub. 1979
Millicent, Imperial Colony and Patricia Spurs and Shovels Along the Royal Line, pub. 1979
Minburn Miles to Minburn: A History of Minburn and Surrounding Areas, pub. 1980
Monarch Monarch Reformed Church, 75 years, pub. 1984
Monarch Trail of Memories
Monitor and Pemukan A Treasure of Memories, pub. 1975
Namaka Trails to the Corner, pub. 1983
Nanton-Parkland County Mosquito Bites again, 1946-2000, pub. 2001
Nanton-Parkland County Mosquito Creek Roundup, pub. 1976
Nanton-Parkland Mosquito Creek Roundup Vol. 2,  pub. 2008
Neerlandia A Furrow Laid Bare, pub. 1985
New Dayton & District  Memories: 1900 - 1978, pub. 1978
Nobleford Faces in Focus
Nobleford,  Monarch Sons of Wind and Soil,  pub. 1976
Nobleford, Monarch, Granum The Strength Of Their Years : The Story Of A Pioneer Community (with Index), pub. 1983
Nose Creek Valley One Hundred Years of Nose Creek Valley, pub. 1997
Okotoks A Century of Memories  1883 – 1983, pub. 1983
Olds A History of Olds and Area, pub. 1980
Olds See Olds First, pub. 1968
Oyen & Area Many Trails Crossed Here, pub. 1981
Pendant d'Oreille Prairie Footprints: History of the Community in Southern Alberta Known as Pendant d'Oreille, pub. 1969
Pincher Creek & District Grass to Mountain Pass, pub. 2014
Pincher Creek And District Prairie Grass To Mountain Pass, pub. 1974
Pincher Creek A History of the Early Days of Pincher Creek, pub. 1920
Pincher Creek Unfolding the Pages, Recollections of education in the Pincher Creek area
Ponoka Mecca Glen Memories, Vol I pub. 1968 and Vol II pub. 2001
Ponoka Panoroma Ponoka, pub. 1973
Rainer, Bow City Settlers Along the Bow, pub. 1975
Raymond Raymond “Roundup” 1902-1967, pub. 1967
Raymond Raymond Remembered : Settlers, Sugar and Stampedes : A History of the Town and People of Raymond, pub. 1993
Readymade Readymade and District, pub.1975
Red Deer The Park Country, pub. 1948 and 1960
Red Deer Trails of Yesterday, pub. 1952
Red Deer East Mingling Memories: Red Deer East, pub. 1979
Redcliff Bricks, Bottles & Babies, A Celebration of Redcliff's Centennial pub. 2012
Retlaw A Collection of memories 1901-1947 & 1968-1993, pub. 1993
Rockyford Rockyford, Where we crossed the Creek and Settled, pub. 1990
Rocky Mountain House, Nordegg The Days after Yesterday, pub. 2003
Rockyview MD Acres and Empires, A History of the Municipal District of Rockyview, pub. 1987
Rolling Hills Rollings Hills in Retrospect 1939-1989 pub 1989
Rolling Hills Rolling Hills Remembers 1989-2014, pub. 2014
Rosemary Rosemary Land of Promise
Ryley & District Beaver Tales: History of Ryley & District, Alberta, pub. 1978
Samis Memories of Samis & nearby districts
Scandia Scandia Since Seventeen, pub. 1978
Schuler Saga of Stalwarts of Schuler - Volume I,  pub. 1969 and Volume II, pub. 1983
Schuler Saga of Stalwarts of Schuler - Volume III, pub. 1998 and Volume IV
Seven Persons Seven Persons, 160 Acres and a Dream, Pub 1981 
Shaughnessy Shaughnessy Echoes
Sibbald Sibbald Community History 1910-1962, 63 pages, pub. 1962
Skiff Skiff in the Prairie Wind, pub. 1980
Southern Alberta Pioneer Families of Southern Alberta
Southern Alberta Seventy South Alberta Years - autobiography of Ernest Herbert Falkland Warren (signed by author), pub. 1960
Spring Coulee And District Pinepound Reflections, pub. 1996
St. Albert The Window of Our Memories, Black Settlers in Alberta, pub. 1981
Standard Danaview to Standard, pub. 1979
Stavely and District Butte Stands Guard Vol. I,  pub. 1976 and Vol. II, pub. 2004
Stirling Stirling Speaks, The Stories Volume One, pub. 1999
Stirling Stirling, Its Story and People: 1899-1980, pub. 1981
Stirling The Heritage Years, A History of Stirling and District, pub 1983
Stony Plain Along the Fifth - A History of Stony Plain and District, pub. 1982
Strathmore The Village That Moved, pub. 1986
Sundial, Enchant & Retlaw Drybelt Pioneers   1906-1967, pub. 1967, and 2nd Edition, pub. 2001
Sylvan Lake Reflections of Sylvan Lake, pub. 1984
Taber A Choice Land & People:  Memories and Events 1904-2004 (LDS), pub. 2004
Taber From Tank 77 To Taber Today, pub. 1977
Taber Golden Jubilee 1905-1955: Commemorating Fifty Years of Picture History of Taber, Alberta, pub. 1955
Three Hills and Area As the Years Go By... (Early Alberta History in the Three Hills Area), pub. 1970
Three Hills and Area As the Years Go By, Vol II, pub. 2004
Three Hills The Spirit of Ghost Pine Creek, pub. 1990
Thorsby A Patchwork of Memories, pub.1979
Tilley Tilley Trails and Tales: Tilley, Alberta, pub. 1980
Torrington & District Torrington & District History Book 1890-2015,  pub. 2016
Travers As I Remember It
Turner Valley In the Light of The Flares,  pub. 1979
Vauxhall Where Waters Flow,  Vol. I, pub. 1969, Vol. II pub. 1996
Vegreville Vegreville in Review, pub 1980, Vol 1 and 2
Vermilion County Ernest minded Men, An account of local government in the County of Vermilion, pub 1981
Vulcan & District Wheat Country I,   pub. 1973 and Wheat Country II, pub. 1988
Vulcan The Making Of A Prairie Community, pub. 1988
Vulcan Trails to Highways, Eastway District - Vulcan, pub 1972
Walsh and District Walsh and District Pioneers, Cypress County,  pub. 1997
Walsh and Graburn Memories of early Walsh and Graburn, pub. 1960
Warner County The Hills of Home; 1st Edition, pub. 1975, and  2nd Edition, pub. 2003
Warner Wagons To Wings, pub. 1985
Waterton Waterton Chronicles, People and Their National Park, pub. 2008
Welling Wagon Trails and Ditches, pub. 1992
West Lethbridge The Bend with Index, pub. 1982
Westlock & Distict 80 Years of Progress, pub. 1984
White, Wilson, McMahon, River Junction School Districts White, Wilson, McMahon, River Junction School Districts: (Water Works Wonders), pub. 1995
Whitla Tribute to Whitla Pioneers, pub. 1969
Wildwood & Surrounding Area Where the Lobstick River Flows Volume I, pub. 1987
Willingdon and Area Willingdon and Area History, Alberta: Early Foundations, pub. 1990
Winnifred Our Trails, Trials and Memories, pub. 1965
Willow Creek area History of Willow Creek Schools 1900-1994, pub. 1995
Woolford From Lumpy Butte, Memories Live Forever, pub. 1992
Wrentham and Area Homestead Country,  pub. 1980
Writing on Stone District Writing On Stone District History: From Sandstone To Settlers, 1900-1983, pub. 1983
Yellowknife Official Centennial History of the Town of Yellowknife, pub. 1967
Youngstown Youngstown Memories, Across the Years 1909 - 1983

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Alberta Genealogy Society